Special Savings
Achieve your savings goals.
Account Features
Earn 0.10% APY1
No Maintenance Fees
24/7 Online Banking
$25 Opening Deposit
How it Works
Earn 0.10% APY1 on a balance of $100 or more. If your balance drops below $100 you will not incur any maintenance fees and the interest will drop to 0.00% APY1. Access your account at anytime to deposit funds or transfer to other accounts with Online Banking or the MyNCU Mobile App.
Minimum Opening Deposit
Transaction Limits
Make unlimited deposits and up to three (3) withdrawals each statement cycle free of charge. Any excess withdrawal will incur a fee2.

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Compare Accounts

Account Type | Summary | Minimum Opening Deposit | APY* | Fees |
High Yield Savings |
24/7 access to funds, no maintenance fees, access to funds with 3 free withdrawals per month
$100 | 2.75% on $10,000 or more | If minimum balance is not maintained. See Rates & Fees page for current fees. |
Money Market |
Low minimum opening deposit, tiered interest rate, access to funds with 6 withdrawals per month
$1,000 |
$1,000-$9,999.99: 0.10%
$10,000 & up: 0.10%
If minimum balance is not maintained. See Rates & Fees page for current fees. |
60 Month Certificate of Deposit |
Low risk, interest rate compounded daily
$2,500 | 3.25% | Interest penalty may apply for early withdrawal |
Christmas Club |
Withdrawals not allowed until funds are transferred into Prize Savings in early November
$100 | 0.10% | Early closure fee |
Prize Savings |
Earn cash and prizes during weekly, monthly, and an annual grand prize drawing
$25 | 0.10% | If minimum balance is not maintained and no other loan or deposit relationship exists. See Rates & Fees page for current fees. |
Individual Retirement Savings |
Save for retirement with a Traditional IRA or Roth IRA
$100 | 0.10% | None |
Special Savings |
Use to separate your funds for special purposes. Login to Online Banking to open online
$25 | 0.10% | None |
Kid's Savings |
For kids ages 0 through 12
$25 | 0.10% | None |
*APY = Annual Percentage Yield

3.95% APY* 17-Month CD
An online-only CD offer that allows additional deposits.
Frequently Asked Questions
Interest on the Special Savings account is compounded monthly.
There is no monthly service charge for members who's balance in their Special Savings account drops below $100.
Yes, the Special Savings account can be used as collateral on a loan.
1APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Fixed interest rate at 0.10% on a balance of $100 or more. Rate effective February 1, 2025 and is subject to change after account opening. $25 minimum deposit required to open account. If minimum balance drops below $100, the annual percentage rate earned will be 0.00%.
2More than 3 withdrawals per month will incur a fee. Please see Rates & Fees page for details.
View the Truth-In-Savings Disclosure.