How Do I File a Credit Bureau Dispute?
Think there might be an error with your Neighborhood Credit Union account after reviewing your credit report? You can mail or email us your dispute in writing or submit your requests directly to the credit reporting agencies. If you submit your dispute electronically to the credit bureaus, your information and the items being disputed are sent with your dispute. We will work with the credit reporting agency(s) to ensure the information is correct.
Credit Bureaus We Report To
It is important to remember that Neighborhood Credit Union must follow federal, state, and municipality guidelines that require us to report accurately to the credit reporting agencies. Due to the volume of requests Neighborhood Credit Union is unable to offer courtesy or goodwill removals.
Mail or Email Your Dispute
Please be aware that Neighborhood Credit Union will not review or respond to disputes that are sent to any other addresses other than what we have published below.
To mail or email in your dispute, please include:
- In detail, what the dispute is in relation to
- The date of the information you feel is incorrect
- Your full Neighborhood Credit Union account number
- To help expedite your request, if available, please include:
- A copy of your credit report showing the error
- Any documentation that you may have showing this was a Neighborhood Credit Union error
Please mail the documents to:
Neighborhood Credit Union, Collections
P.O. Box 803476
Dallas, TX 75380
Dallas, TX 75380
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