External Funds Transfer Guide
Connect to Your Outside Accounts
You can easily move money between your accounts with Neighborhood Credit Union and other financial institutions for free from within your Online Banking account!
This is a free feature for our members. Enjoy the benefits of being able to:
- Easily transfer to and from your Neighborhood CU account for free.
- Save time by no longer needing to visit a branch to transfer money to your other bank.
- Control your money all in one place - fast and easy!
How to Register for External Funds Transfer
Log into Online Banking from myncu.com and go to: Move Money > External Transfers
- Accept the Terms of Service to continue. You will not be asked again once you've accepted.
- Enter your birth date and telephone number, click Submit to complete your registration.
How to Make an External Funds Transfer
Please note: if you currently have an external account set up with Popmoney but would like to set up External Fund Transfers, you must log into your Online Banking account to remove the external account from your Popmoney setup, and then continue with the directions below to setup the external account registration process.
Simply log into Online Banking from myncu.com and go to: Move Money > External Transfers > Transfer Funds
- In the Amount($) field, enter the dollar amount you wish to transfer.
- If you have already set up your external accounts, continue onto step 3. Your Neighborhood CU accounts have already been connected. If you have not yet set up your external accounts:
- Review the alert note above - if you have set up an external account on Popmoney that you wish to utilize with External Funds Transfer, you must remove it from Popmoney to be able to connect the account with External Funds Transfer.
- Click Add a New Account link under the Transfer box to add your external account. Select the account type and input the routing and account number information. Then, click Next.
- Select from the first dropdown which account you would like to transfer the money from, and from the second dropdown please select the account you will transfer the funds to.
- Next, select the date on which you want the one-time transfer to occur. You have the option to Make Recurring by clicking on the link, where you will be asked to choose a Frequency and Duration.
- Insert a Memo note, if desired, and click Continue.
- To view your External Funds Transfer history and schedule, click on Activity in the green External Funds Transfer menu bar.
Settings & How to Remove an External Account
- Click on Settings at the top right of the green External Funds Transfers menu bar.
- Select Accounts from the dropdown menu to view, edit, or remove connected external accounts.
- Select Emails to add or remove emails to receive External Funds Transfer alerts.
- Click Help for frequently asked questions or Unsubscribe to unsubscribe from the External Funds Transfer service.